UV Unwrapping
UV Mapping for games
In UV Mapping for Games we’ll tackle, in great depth, one of the most common pain-points that all 3D artists have: UV Mapping. No matter which area of game development you are in, if you interact with 3D models you will need to know about UV mapping – even if only at a fundamental level. “What is UV mapping, why do we use it? Do I have to UV map my models?“ Starting by answering “what” UV maps are, we will answer each one of these questions – as well as answering others that you didn’t know you had! OPTIMIZATION UV maps are everywhere and allow us to store and…
UV Mapping for Beginners: The Definitive Guide
UV Mapping for Beginners is very complicated because they dont use the right approach for unwrapping. That’s why mostly artist struggling with Unwrapping. Let’s dive right in. Step #1 Understand First, you need to understand about UV and Unwrapping, U and V are horizontal and vertical axes. In simple language, Project 2d images in 3d models are called unwrapping and it’s essential for high resoultion texturing. Most junior artist use the automatic method for unwrapping that’s why their texturing result are low qulaity. You can unwrap the 3d models using various techniques and a few techniques are Automatic, Planner, Cylinder, Spherical, Counter stretch. Step #2 Know the Tools and Scripts…